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  Чебурашка на английском
Чебурашка говорит по английски

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Малыш и Карлсон на английском
Малыш и Карлсон говорят на английском

Три поросенка "Супер почему" на английском
Три поросёнка - The Three Little Pigs

Крокодил Гена на английском
Крокодил Гена на английском


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Песенки на английском - английский алфавит

и другие материалы для изучения иностранного языка ЗДЕСЬ

Как помочь деткам освоить английский язык? Предлагаем к прослушиванию аудиопесни для каждой буквы английского алфавита с текстами. Улучшить произношение, запомнить некоторые слова и алфавит, ведь песенки легче и интереснее запоминать ребенку.

A -apple, airplane, ant
Apples and Bananas
I like to eat,
I like to eat,
Eat apples nad bananas.
I like to eat,
I like to eat,
Eat apples nad bananas.
B - ballon, bee, bear
My balloon
 This is my red balloon,
 My red red balloon.
 Up it goes, pull it down!
 Up it goes, pull it down!
 This is my red balloon,
 My red red balloon.
C - cake, cat, car
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man,
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll and pat it and mark it with C
And put it in the oven for cousin and me.
D - dog, duck, drum.
Where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his ears cut short and his tail cut long,
Oh where, oh where can he be?
E -elephant, eye, egg
One elephant went out to play
One elephant went out to play,
Out on a spiders web one day.
He had such enormous fun,
He called for another elephant to come.
F - fly, flower, fish
Shoo fly
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody.
I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star.
I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star.
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody.
G - green, goat, giraffe
Little green frog
"Gung gung"went the little green frog one day,
"Gung gung"went the little green frog,
"Gung gung"went the little green frog one day,
And his eyes went "aah, aah, gung".
H - hand, house, hat
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it,
Then you face will surely show it,
If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
I - Indian, ice cream, ink
Ten little indians
One little, two little, three little Indians,
Four little, five little, six little Indians,
Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,
Ten little Indian boys.
J - jelly, jam, juice
Jelly on a plate
The jelly on a plate,
The jelly on a plate,
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble,
Jelly on a plate.
K - kettle, kangaroo, key
Polly put hte kettle on
Polly, put the kettle on,
Polly, put the kettle on,
Polly, put the kettle on,
Let's all have tea.
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
They've all gone away.
L - lollipop, leaf, lamb
Lollipop, lollipop,
Oh lolli lolli lolli,
Lollipop, lollipop,
Oh lolli lolli lolli,
Lollipop, lollipop,
Oh lolli lolli lolli,
M -man, monkey, milk
The muffin man
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man?
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
Who lives across the way?
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man.
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man
Who lives across the way.
N - nuts, nest, necklace
I had a little nut tree.
I had a little nut tree,
Nothing would it bear,
But a silver nutmeg and a golden pear.
The King of Spain's daughter
Came to visit me,
And all for the sake of my little nut tree.
O - owl, octopus, orange
This is the way
This is the way we climb a ladder,
Climb a ladder, climb a ladder,
This is the way we climb a ladder,
So early in the morning.
This is the way we pick oranges,
Pick oranges,pick oranges
This is the way we pick oranges,
So early in the morning.
This is the way we pick oranges,
Pick oranges,pick oranges
This is the way we pick oranges,
So early in the morning.
This is the way we peel oranges,
Peel oranges,peel oranges
This is the way we peel oranges,
So early in the morning.
This is the way we cook oranges,
Cook oranges, cook oranges
This is the way we cook oranges,
So early in the morning.
P-pig, pizza, piano
This little piggie went to market
This little pig went to market,
This little pig stayed at home,
This little pig had roast beef,
This little pig had none,
And this little pig cried, "Wee! Wee! Wee!Wee! Wee"
All the way home.
Q - quack, queen, quilt
Six little ducks
Six little ducks that I once knew
Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too
But the one little duck with the feather on his back
He ruled the others with a quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack
R - rain, rabbit, rose
Rain, rain, go away
Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day,
Little children want to play so,
Rain, rain, go away.
S - spider, snake, star
Itsy bitsy spider
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out,
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
T - teddy bear, tiger, television
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, tie your shoes.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, that will do.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, go upstairs.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say your prayers.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn off the light.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Say good night.
U -umbrella, underwear, unicycle
Rain on my umbrella
Drip, drip, drop, drop,
Drip, drip, drop, drop,
Drip, drip, drop,
Drip, drip, drop,
Rain on my umbrella,
Drip, drip, drop,
Drip, drip, drop.
V -village, volcano, violin
Round the village
Go round and round the village,
Go round and round the village,
Go round and round the village,
As we have done before. Go in and out the window,
Go in and out the window,
Go in and out the window,
As we have done before.
W - wolf, window, watch
Big bad wolf
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf,
Big bad wolf, big bad wolf?
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
Tra la la la la.
X - x-mas tree, xylophone
O, X-mas tree
O, Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree!
How evergreen your branches!
In summer's heat and winter's chill
Your leaves are green and growing still.
O, Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree!
How evergreen your branches
O, Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
With much delight I see you.
When winter days are dark and drear,
You bring us hope throught the year.
O, Christmas tree,
O, Christmas tree,
With much delight I see you!
Y -yo-yo, yaht, yellow
What's this?
What's this?What's this?
What's this? What's this?
It's a yo-yo,
It's a yo-yo,
It's a yellow yo-yo.

What's this?What's this?
What's this? What's this?
It's a yaht,
It's a yaht,
It's a yellow yaht, yaht,
Z - zoo, sebra, zigzag
To the zoo
Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow,
Zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow,
Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow,
We can stay all day.
We are going to the zoo,zoo,zoo,
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too,
We're going to the zoo.
Good morning to you
Good morning to you,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, Good morning
Good morning to you.

Good afternoon to you,
Good afternoon to you,
Good afternoon, Good afternoon
Good afternoon to you.

Good evening to you,
Good evening to you,
Good evening, Good evening
Good evening to you.

Good night to you,
Good night to you,
Good night, Good night
Good night to you.
Days of the week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
The months of the year
There are January,February,
March, April, May, June, July,
And August, September, October,
November, and December in a year.
Sing a song of a season
Sing a song of spring,
Flowers all around.
Sing a song of summer,
Sunshines all day long.
Sing a song of autumn,
Leaves on the ground.
Sing a song of winter,
Snowflakes everewhere.
How's the weather
How's the weather? It's sunny.
How's the weather? It's sunny.
How's the weather? It's sunny.
It's sunny today.
How's the weather? It's windy.
How's the weather? It's windy.
How's the weather? It's windy.
It's windy today.
How's the weather? It's cloudy.
How's the weather? It's cloudy.
How's the weather? It's cloudy.
It's cloudy today.
How's the weather? It's snowy.
How's the weather? It's snowy.
How's the weather? It's snowy.
It's snowy today.

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